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Powerups provides a simple facility for creating and using one-dimensional arrays. Powerups Arrays aren't traditional arrays in the computer language sense (an ordered structure, typically starting with index 0), but rather an associative array, or dictionary, whose index and value can be either numeric or a string (within single quotes). When looping through an Array, values will be retrieved in arbitrary order, unless they have numeric indices.

Array Names

Array names are strings, alphanumeric characters surrounded by single or double quotes, e.g. 'MyArray'. They are not Variables or Constants, and cannot be used like them.

Initialize Array

This instruction creates or re-initializes an already created Array; after this instruction is executed, the Array can be used in other instructions (below). An initialized Array has no contents.

Note that the name of the Array can either be a literal string (in quotes) or a Variable whose value is a literal string.

Put into Array / Get from Array

These two instructions do pretty much what you'd expect; inserting and retrieving elements of the Array.

For Each in Array

Functions that can be used with Arrays

length('array') returns the number of elements in the Array

sumOfValues('array') returns the sum of all of the elements in an Array

averageOfValues('array') returns the average of all of the (numeric) elements in an Array