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This & That

Here are some other instructions you might find useful...

Repeat Until All Succeed

This instruction will loop through the included instructions until none of them fail. This might be useful at startup time to make sure all of your equipment is running properly before starting imaging. As soon as any of the instructions fails, NINA will pause for the amount of time you specify and then try again.

Wait Indefinitely

This instruction, well, waits indefinitely.

Send with Ground Station

Drag a Ground Station plugin instruction into this one, then specify a Title and Message. The Message can include any number of Expressions surrounded by curly brackets.

Add Image Pattern

You provide a name for the pattern (e.g. FOO) and a new image pattern $$FOO$$ becomes available for use when you take images. The Expression you provide in the instruction is evaluated when an image file is created, and that value is used as the value of the pattern you added. Note: The pattern is added once a name, value (any Expression you like), and a description are added to the instruction. Note: The instruction is self-executing, like Constant. It does not need to be executed; just adding or loading it is enough. Note: There's currently no way to change or remove a file pattern token, so if you change the name or description inside the Add Image Pattern instruction, nothing will happen (at least until you start NINA again)

If Failed

Drag any instruction into the If Failed instruction; if that instructions fails, the enclosed instructions will be executed.

If Timeout

Drag any instruction or instruction set into the If Timeout instruction and specify an amount of time to allow for that instruction/instruction set to complete. If the time is exceeded, the enclosed instructions will be executed.


This is exactly the same as Wait Indefinitely except that it throws up a NINA warning.

End Sequence

This instruction ends the entire sequence that is running.

End Instruction Set

This instruction terminates the instruction you specify, anywhere in the hierarchy of running instructions.

Log on Click

This instruction allows you to add arbitrary text to the NINA log. This might be useful when reporting bugs in being able to mark the time and cicrumstance under which something or other happened.

The Log on Click instruction can be put anywhere in a sequence; it does not get executed, ever. To add your note to the NINA log, just enter text and, when you're ready, click on the button to the right of the text field (the icon looks like a pen).

Flip Rotator

Some users will need to flip the rotator position after a Meridian Flip; this instruction will flip the rotator by 180 degrees